Health, Safety & Security

In today’s world, the health, safety and security of students and staff are as integral to the school environment as classrooms, academics and extracurricular activities.

If approved on March 13, 2018, the NB Regional Referendum will bolster the safety and security of the learning environment for all students, including those with special needs.  The referendum will fund:

  • Main entrance safety renovations
  • Climate control upgrades to improve filtered air throughout the building
  • New construction to connect the East and West Buildings, creating a secure, closed campus. Students will no longer travel outside between classes during the school day.  This change will decrease the chances of unsolicited visitors from entering the building.
  • A new security system
  • An updated emergency communications system, which will provide staff members with a safer and easier way to contact emergency services when needed

School safety improvements are absolutely critical in the world we live in.  The security standards of school buildings are consistently increasing and it is crucial that NB stays ahead of the curve to ensure the safety of all students and staff members.